
How can i create a Forum, News And Announcements

To create a new forum or news and nnouncements for your new NamelessHosting website you can do the following steps

First of all we will need to create a catagory for it if you don't have any already

  1. Go to Forums
  2. Click on New Forum
  3. Select Forum type as "Catagory"
  4. Give your catagory a name
  5. Give it a short Description (Not required)
  6. Click Submit
  7. If you want topics from this catagory to be displayed on homepage then you need to select "Display topics as news on front page?"
  8. scroll down to Forum Permission section
  9. Select the permissions you want to give to your groups
  10. Click Submit

Now that you have a category we can create a forum for it

  1. Go to forums
  2. Click on New Forum
  3. Give the forum a name
  4. Give the forum short Description (Not required)
  5. Click Submit 
  6. Select the Catagory you want this forum to be displayed in for the "Select a parent forum" field
  7. If you want topics from this catagory to be displayed on homepage then you need to select "Display topics as news on front page?"
  8. Click Submit
  9. scroll down to Forum Permission section
  10. Select the permissions you want to give to your groups
  11. Click Submit

If you have did everythings correct you can now see the forum in your forums page on your website
Note: Can may take a few mins before it display

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