
How can i integrate my Minecraft server?

To integrate your minecraft server to your new NamelessHosting website, Do the following steps

How to add your Minecraft Server

  1. Visit your site and login
  2. Go to Staff Panel
  3. Go to Integrations -> Minecraft -> Minecraft Servers -> Add Server
  4. You can now fill in the following fields and options
  5. Click Submit

What the options doing?

  • BungeeCord Instance? If this server is BungeeCord you can select this to disable playerheads since bungeecord don't support player lists
  • Minecraft version older than 1.7? If your server is older than 1.7 you can select this to be able to query the server
  • Enable status query? Enable this if you want display this server on your Status Page
  • Show Ip on status page? If this is enabled, users will be able to view and copy the IP address when viewing the status page
  • Enable player list? If this is enabled, the status page will display a list of online players (Do not work on BungeeCord)

Default Server
With this setting you can set a default server that will show the playercount and ip on home page or navbar on all pages depending on your template

  • Go to Integrations -> Minecraft -> Minecraft Servers
  • On the Default server option select the server you want to be your main server Example your Bungeecord
  • Click Submit

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