Other Projects

On MC-Server-List you can earn money by voting on servers daily and if you own a Minecraft Server you can submit your server there and earn money from people that voting on your server when they are logged in.

Website: https://mc-server-list.com/
With MCStatistics installed on your minecraft server you can track players activity and the server performance along integrate into Discord and

Website: https://mcstatistics.org/


We don't have any partners yet, Open a ticket if you're interested

Sponsors Become a patreon

$15 / month
$15 / month
$15 / month
survival.craftbuzz.fun 1.20-1.20.4
$15 / month
Owner of OdinCraft
$15 / month
$10 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
Owner of Autcraft, the Minecraft server for autistic children and their families.
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
$5 / month
Owner of Advancius
$5 / month
$5 / month
$4.79 / month
$4.76 / month